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For general enquiries and further information, please contact us:

Lodge 14

Kgorogoro Lodge

Black Rhino Game Reserve

+27 66 069 1188 / +27 82 457 9880



Lodge on sight:

Lodge admin:


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"Kgorogoro Game Lodge"


Enquire about promotional prices, mid-week & "empty-beds' specials



(2 1/2 - 3 hrs)


Travel along the R21 highway toward Pretoria. Follow until you can get onto the N1 N/Polokwane. From N1 N, get onto the N4 toward Rustenburg.

Stay on the N4 highway to Rustenburg. Go past the first turn off’s into Rustenburg,
and take Rustenburg Kloof/R565 Phokeng offramp.

Follow road toward Phokeng, and signage to Sun City.

Pass the Bafokeng Sports Grounds, at the big traffic circle for Phokeng, keep left toward 
Sun City.

At the 4-Stop in Ledig village, keep straight (signage show right for Sun City).
You will see signage for Black Rhino Game Reserve and Shepherd’s Tree Game Reserve. Black Rhino is 29km from that stop street in Ledig. There will be a sign post for Black Rhino 15 km when you get to Shepherd’s Tree on your right. Follow through the next village and look out for the Reserve on the right hand side.

At the entrance gate, book in under Lodge 14, Kgorogoro Lodge.
The security at the main gate will assist with the process.

Follow the main road into Black Rhino, until you see a block sign post for multiple lodge numbers on the left hand side. Turn left, and keep right at the fork at the gate. 
Press the remote button to open the gate and drive into Lodge 14 and to the main entrance of the lodge.


Your ranger will be awaiting you there.


Enjoy your stay!


Christian & Theresa


GPS Co-ordinates:

S25 deg. 10.910’

E26 deg. 57.320’

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